Fe wrote from Fuda today-
Here is part of what she said:
“Am excited to meet you in person.Together we could shout to all the women who have breast
Cancer around the world to save their breast from lumpectomy and masectomy. There is for sure hope and safe alternative,harmless and little side effects of the therapies here at Fuda
North hospital.So far I hav’nt had any side effects yet.
I ‘ll tell you everything when get here”.
“Since I came the hospital the hospital is always booked . Cancer patients coming here are
All critical,seeing them day by day, you could see by your own eyes their daily recovery.
I believe God sent me here for a reason to tell something to the world you and I ,it’s not
Coincidence it was planned by Him ,telling us something to do something and I could feel it in my bones and every fibre of my flesh.”