Tickets Booked

Tickets Booked

Louie and I went down to Azamano Travel to book our flights to Fuda Hospital today!! Even though we haven’t made our fundraising goal yet, we’ve gotten enough to give us confidence it’s going to work and we didn’t want to have to pay higher...
Getting bag packing help!!

Getting bag packing help!!

My daughter, Emma, has a friend who is starting a business helping people with their packing for a trips abroad. Whitney Hull-Benson is a confident whiz!! She kindly offered to give me a free-be consultation with what to bring in a small carry-on to China. I will be...
Tomorrow I’m booking our tickets to China!

Tomorrow I’m booking our tickets to China!

The early response to our online fundraiser has made that possible. This is way out of my comfort zone but seems to be happening so fast I’m hardly aware I have a comfort zone! I’ll been flying to the Guangzhou airport, south of Beijing, then on to Fuda...