Laura met her husband, Alex, at Oregon State University in the late sixties where they both were active in the Peace movement. After graduating with her Masters of Fine Art from Portland State University she began her teaching career as an Adjunct Professor of Art, specializing in painting and drawing the figure. She also began her continuing career as a gallery represented studio artist. That career has blossomed and can be viewed at her web site, Laura and Alex have three amazingly wonderful and talented children, Sean, Louie and Emma, who are all college-graduates and work independently in creative fields. Laura had enough interest in science to receive an extra Bachelor of Science degree. Her curious mind often pushes the envelope technically as she develops techniques for her paintings. She credits her ability to anticipate a successful outcome before having tried something new technically as a contributing factor in trusting Dr. Littrup’s approach to using freezing to cure breast cancer.
Laura continues to keep a studio and exhibition practice going. She joins her husband in his many outdoors adventures, most recently adding stand-up paddling to her activity list. Laura and Alex spend the winters in Portland, OR and live in a small cedar cabin on the Oregon coast during the summer, where most days Alex fishes the ocean for salmon and Laura works in her yurt studio surrounded by huckleberries and firs. Her animated illustrations can be seen in her son’s recent documentary, “2012, the End?“.